Great Performances
We are proud of all the I2B athletes who competed at the SA Champs in Bloem. Congratulations for bringing home some medals. It is a big year with the Paralympics ahead. Please pray with us that we would have a few I2B athletes qualify for the Games!
Action sports by Chris
Club Blades
Sometimes we as people forget that we have extra equipment gathering dust somewhere while it could be put to better use. Thanks to all the rollerbladers who have been donating second hand blades to I2b for our club kids. They are so stoked!
CSA – Christian Skaters and Skimmers Africa by Chris
ACTS Global Summit in Japan
It was such a privilege to travel with a fellow Christian Skaters Africa leader to this gathering. Storm, who heads up CS Gauteng, is a man with lots of vision and passion for building God’s Kingdom. Thanks to everyone who helped to get us there. May God bless you!
We learnt so much from other action sports ministry leaders from around the world. It was great to see and be part of skate ministry in Japan.
Thanks for this rad pic Zak
All our love,
The Inspired2Become & CS Team
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I2B banking details
More info about our I2B projects and clubs.
C: 072 99 27 408